Thursday, 24 August 2017

Response to recent media criticism regarding Sinn Fein Ard Comhairle vs 3 Wicklow County Councillors

In case anyone noticed and was confused by the recent muck raking I got in the national press over being an independent witness at the Sinn Fein appeal hearing for three Wicklow County Counsellors..... I have a couple of things to say... if you care. In fairness we all have far more important work to do, and lives to enjoy, rather than giving this more air time than it deserves. However, all the walls will come down one day. 

Inevitably not everyone will step back in time not to be crushed. 

Revolutions worst enemies are the ones on the inside, who forget the people who supported and encouraged them, personally, and then through desire for their individual power, personal gain, recognition... they inevitably become masters of their own demise. 

Others of us are there to listen and watch,  that's called being a witness.... although we also act where we can. Being besmirched for defending people is something I accept as part of my life now, however there are some points which I hope I can convey sufficiently on this Sinn Fein debacle..

1. In any circumstance where I'm requested to 'observe' in my capacity as a defender, I am there to be a witness, and my presence is meant to offer some small strength and encouragement to the victim or outnumbered party, as a silent appeal for fairness.

2. Throughout the world we see repressive regimes crushing ANY dissent, whether it be questioning authoritarianism, or requesting diplomatic talks in an effort to persuade for democracy or power sharing, or to have some compassion and common sense and stop killing people! Inevitably the Human Rights Defenders are caught up in the tide of malice and they pay a price for not keeping their mouths shut, or in my case, my ears closed. If this is how SF,or any political party/organisation/sociey behave toward someone who genuinely cares deeply about the group, the movement, the people and the continuing struggle we face as a nation (in this case Ireland, my home counrey) ..... that bodes very badly for the membership. Self reflection and re-examination of ourselves is the only way to remain healthy. (Personal experience again here). We need to listen to eachother and to be careful not to forget where we came from, or to not heed the counsel of others.

3. The men in question in Wicklow are highly reputable, extremely hard working, consciousness representatives FOR THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED THEM IN. They have PROVED their mettle as the Sinn Fein representatives their communities knew they would be. I didn't want to let them down. 

When I see people's hearts for the common good .... through their efforts.... I will always stand with them in solidarity.
