Friday 30 September 2011

First Post


Let me be brief, I’ve been persuaded to write a blog. 
It won't be fancy. 
It will be honest.

You’re not here to read about my life and I’m not here to be sociable. I use social media for ‘anti-social’ purposes and am singularly interested in exploiting it in order to draw attention to Human Rights aberrations. 

So don’t try to sell me anything and don’t be insulted if I don’t dignify Trolls with retort or repudiation. 
I’m not here to waste time. 
It is short and it costs lives.

I work hard speaking to people. Its also called 'Advocacy'.
I reason with them and put them in touch with eachother to build a network of solidarity. 
My associates are not only ‘concerned’ witnesses – they also strategise and encourage eachother to be outspoken in defence of Human Rights, and they engage Actively in a Practical way – in whatever their capacity is. 

I am a Messenger too. 
In this business it can be prohibitive for individuals to communicate personally; so I deliver updates and information where required.

All of my resources and energy are currently focused on Bahrain and to some extent the greater ‘Arab Seasons’. ( – you can use that if you like!) 

In general my blog posts will be

  • my opinion on current and recent events
  • updates of my efforts
  • transcripts of conversations and 
  • testimonies of witnesses and victims who are known personally to me.

I verify my sources and work with some incredible heroes..... and many who are not yet ...... but will be soon. 

You can follow me on twitter at @taraaogrady