We are shocked to learn of the arrest of our friend and colleague ex MP Khalil AlMarzooq in Bahrain during recent days and to learn that he will be detained for 30 days while a case is constructed against him for 'inciting terrorism' against the Bahraini Regime.
We ask you to be outspoken in your concern regarding this development, specifically as it is so bold to have been actioned while the Human Rights Council is in session (given Navi Pillays personal declaration of concern over the repression of Defenders and Activists in Bahrain during recent sessions) and the recent announcement of an Arab Court of Human Rights to be based in Bahrain.
The most pressing concern is that this act, if it is not responded to in the strongest terms, will encourage the regime to be even more ambitious in detaining the most prominent members of society and indeed those whom we have heretofore considered (and encouraged) as moderates.
The opposition has ceased to cooperate with 'National Talks' in protest to Khalils arrest and we urge you in all haste, to work in whatever your capacity to make some progress for his release and that of the other multiple political prisoners and civil rights / human rights advocates, who continue to be held in custody against the recommendations of the BICI, the UN and indeed Mr. Barack Obama.
Please sign all petitions and cooperate with actions of solidarity however you can.
Link to CNN Article below:

Many thanks for your time once again comrades,
Respectful regards to all who took the time to read this,